Thursday, February 16, 2006

Applebee's with Phil, Holly, Meagan and Justin (oh, and Noelle at my house)

After the guy's basketball game tonight, we all went out to eat at Applebee's. Phil, Holly, Meagan and Justin are all moving to Southport, NC in just a week or two, so Corey and I are trying to make the most of the time we have left with them. We will miss them all very much!!!

My Clumsy Coworker

Last night, just as we were about to leave work, Katie decided to dump my cash drawer all over the floor (she claims it was an accident, but I'm not so sure!). So I, being the kind friend that I am, decided to take some incriminating pictures. Sorry Katie!! :)

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Prayer is Awesome!

This morning on my way to work I decided that rather than listen to music the whole way, I should use the time to pray and talk to God instead. And let me tell you, what a difference prayer can make in your day!!! Usually I don't take the time to pray in the morning- I am too busy getting ready for my day- but now I think that prayer is the most important factor in getting ready for the day. Giving your day to God completely changes your focus and your attitude, and makes the whole day seem a lot better! Try it and see for yourself! :)

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

My Boring Blog

I'm sorry, but I'm having a hard time coming up with anything interesting to post on my blog, but please don't give up on me yet!! As soon as I get my camera back from my parents house I will try to start posting some pictures. By the way, that is me and my awesome husband Corey in the picture.