Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Go Twins!!

Hey are you all impressed? This is my third post in three days! :) Today Corey and I went to a Twins game- Maleah stayed home, but she still got into the team spirit! I had to put the headband on, otherwise she looked too much like a boy! Anyhow, I was going to take a picture of us at the game, but my battery was dead, so instead we got this family picture taken after we got home. Do you like the spit-up that is all over dad's shirt? Oh, and the Twins won!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Eric's "Send-off" Picnic

This Tuesday Eric is leaving for training and then Iraq (he will be gone for 14 months, I believe). So last Friday we had a picnic and then went to Megan and Eric's house to play some games.

We had fun playing volleyball, but we all were pretty pathetic- I think Dad did better than all the rest of us!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Maleah's First Road Trip!

Last week we decided to drive out to Cleveland to see Jeremy, Jo, and Ryan. We left on Sunday morning for the 12 hour drive, but it actually turned into a 15 hour drive since Maleah liked to take her time whenever we stopped. :) I hung all the toys we had around her carseat to help keep her entertained. Overall, she did really well, but I could tell she was glad to be out of that carseat at the end of the day!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Some moments of contentment...

They are slowly becoming more frequent! Grandma H. got Maleah this activity center and she loves it!

Becky, Coach, and Grandma and Grandpa H. holding Maleah

Friday, May 04, 2007

Maleah's Many Faces

Well, Maleah has been keeping me quite busy, which is why it has been a while since my last post. Here are some pictures that show her wide range of facial expressions- I actually don't have any pictures yet of her two favorite faces, though- her crying face and her scowling/glaring face. :) She is a month old now- time sure does fly!