Friday, May 04, 2007

Maleah's Many Faces

Well, Maleah has been keeping me quite busy, which is why it has been a while since my last post. Here are some pictures that show her wide range of facial expressions- I actually don't have any pictures yet of her two favorite faces, though- her crying face and her scowling/glaring face. :) She is a month old now- time sure does fly!


Ruthy said...

Precious Baby!!! Thanks for the pictures! Cody was up for a visit tonight; it was fun to catch up with him. Have a great weekend, family of 3!!!

Jo said...

Sweet pics! :) We are praying for you guys! Can't wait to hold me niece!

Meagan said...

Moncia,she is so precious! I wish I could hold her! it makes me want september here now!