Monday, June 11, 2007

A Showing!

Well, last Tuesday we finally had a showing at our townhouse, and we just found out yesterday that the buyer really liked it and wants to look again sometime soon. So hopefully something will come of it- I don't want to get my hopes up too much since this is the first showing we have had, but it is hard not to! Of course, I'm not really sure what we would do if it actually did sell- maybe go on an extended vacation to NC? :)


Jo said...

That's good news!

Happy Birthday too!


Ruthy said...

Yeah!!!!!!! Oh my word - Noelle looks like a blonde little Monica! I kept saying, "She looks like someone; I just can't figure out who!" And then Char said, "She looks just like Monica." That's who I was thinking of!! She's a cutie; that would be a compliment to you, too. =0)

Meagan said...

Yes, monica! Please come! We would love to have you and your beautiful baby!